Make a FREE storage enquiry

Once you have submitted your storage enquiry our intelligent matching system will alert all warehouse operators who met your criteria of your requirements. They will then contact you directly with prices.

Submitting a storage enquiry is the best way to find warehouse space to rent in the UK and it is completely FREE.

All fields are required.

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About you

Make a storage enquiry on the Warehouse Exchange

Your storage enquiry will be listed on the Warehouse Exchange immediately. The details will also be emailed to all members who have the matching facilities in the location required and they will contact you directly.

Getting your storage enquiry found is simple
1Carefully complete the form with the details of your storage enquiry.
Find storage space on the warehouse exchange
2Click on 'Submit' and your storage enquiry will be added to Warehouse Exchange
Find storage space on the warehouse exchange
3Users who are interested in your storage enquiry will contact you directly.
Find storage space on the warehouse exchange