
We provide these logistic solutions to enable companies to concentrate on their core business.

Speak to us: 07775 864462

Douglas F Mitchell Ltd

Last logged in: 07:12, Thursday, 18th July 2024

Account type

With a team of experienced drivers DF Mitchell Ltd offers a comprehensive range of haulage services hauling all types of Agricultural Commodities including Cereals, Vegetables, Fertilisers (ADR trained personnel) and Animal Feeds.  We also haul Machinery and pipes for the Oil Industry off loaded at the Railway Station in Laurencekirk.

General Haulage

Step Frame Trailers

Flat trailers

Bulk Tipper Haulage

Curtain Sided Trailers

Local/Long distance Haulage

Services provided:

  • Storage
  • Transport
  • Warehousing
  • Groupage
  • Same day courier
  • Overnight pallet network
  • Full loads
  • Part loads

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