Beware - Automatic fines on Smart Motorways

Published: 22 May 2019

Beware - Automatic fines on Smart Motorways
Drivers should stay alert on some smart motorways, as it has recently been announced by Highways England will be installing cameras that automatically capture and fine drivers who are in a lane that they shouldn’t be which could cause a disturbance or major incident throughout some traffic and cause chaos across lanes on the motorway.

The law is set to be put into action in the middle of next month, on the 10th of June. Many have already expressed concern about the lack of information they have received to update them of these new fines set to be placed on smart motorways.

The penalty for crossing into unauthorized lanes is an automatic fine of £100 in addition to having three penalty points when caught on the wrong lane on any smart motorway as of the 10th of June 2019.
You will most likely recognise smart Motorways, their electronic gantries give instructions to drivers on the motorway from all across the country while overhead on the road. Most common is the giant red cross symbol, which identifies a lane has been closed and that drivers will need to move over to a different lane.

In some cases, drivers ignore these warnings and continue on the lane for as long as possible. If the lane has been closed due to an accident or for roadworks, this can become a major problem. This is why Highways England has taken this additional step to stop drivers from taking the risk to get by traffic, which also puts the lives of others in serious danger.

Across motorways, a wide range of cameras will be placed along the roads in an effort to catch these drivers in the act. If they are in a lane they shouldn’t be in, they will be fined and face 3 points as consequence. 
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