Published: 04 October 2013

CONSULTATION ON CHARGING FOREIGN HGV OPERATORS IN THE UK can report that the Department of Transport has launched a consultation on proposals to change duty charges for commercial vehicles so foreign operators have to pay fees in the future.

The HGV Road User Levy Act aims to ensure charges remain as neutral as possible for UK operators while making foreign firms liable for daily, weekly, monthly, half yearly or yearly charges for using vehicles over 12 tonnes.


The proposal is to charge from £1.70 a day for two- or three-axle tractor combinations weighing up to 28 tonnes, to £10 a day for five-wheel combinations between 38 and 44 tonnes. Equivalent yearly charges are proposed between £85 and £1,000.


“The key objective of the new law is to ensure a fairer arrangement for UK hauliers. Currently, foreign-registered HGVs do not pay to use the road network in the United Kingdom, whereas UK-registered HGVs pay charges or tolls in most other European countries.” understands that April 2014 is when the Government wants to introduce these new charges, along with £300 fixed penalty notices for failing to pay.


Interested parties can take part in the consultation by writing to HGV Road User Levy Secondary Legislation Consultation, Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR or e-mailing [email protected]. The consultation closes on Thursday November 7.

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