Heavy Goods Vehicles lose access to Sheffield Roads

Published: 21 August 2018

Heavy Goods Vehicles lose access to Sheffield Roads
Lorries will face a ban from four roads within Sheffield as the local council sketched appropriate areas for HGV across the city. The plans are set to introduce 7.5t weight restrictions which will be applied to the following roads:

 Twentywell Lane at Bradway
 Beighton Road at Woodhouse
 Psalter Lane

The number of lorries that enter those areas is low, but when they do enter (even if unintentionally) it causes chaos for the surrounding traffic. The council also stated the ban will make the area much safer for residents.

Principal engineer Chris Galloway of Sheffield Council, spoke on the matter: “The numbers of HGVs observed over a 24 hour period at all the locations were low, less than two percent of total traffic. There were no reported injury accidents involving HGVs other than one slight injury accident on The Wheel.

“Twentywell Lane and The Wheel achieved the highest score in comparison with the other three locations, partly due to width of some of the roads being used which has led to some damage to boundary walls and a parked vehicle.

“The proposed schemes will to some extent benefit local residents by reducing the impact HGVs have on their perceptions of safety, noise and air quality.”

However, this could not be the ultimate solution. As there have now been raised concerns at the alternative routes for lorry drivers like Ecclesall Road. Drop-offs and pick-ups will still be required in particular areas. Without guidance on what should be authorized and what shouldn’t, police may have issues while enforcing these updated laws.

The updated routes could also make journeys for hauliers longer and more costly, as well as impacting traffic in those areas.

The council say that the plus of these changes is that the roads in place are appropriate for lorry drivers, meaning there won’t be any awkward turns or delays for other drivers because of misdirection. The Principal engineer continued: “The council is not required to do this work but has chosen to do so to alleviate problems for local residents. “The schemes may help everyone living in these areas to a small degree whilst still permitting legitimate access. The proposed measures will address complaints received regarding the impact HGVs are having on the lives and wellbeing of local residents.”

The plans are estimated to require a budget of £200,000 and will be put in place over the next few years.
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