RHA welcomes Mayoral decision to call off Euro 4 LEZ plan

Published: 20 February 2013

RHA welcomes Mayoral decision to call off Euro 4 LEZ plan
The Road Haulage Association is pleased that the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has abandoned plans for setting a new Euro 4 target for HGVs in London’s Low Emission Zone in 2015 (“Phase V”).
Commenting, RHA Director of Policy, Jack Semple, said: “We do not have the exact details but it appears that the Mayor’s announcement reflects many of the points for which the RHA has argued strongly in meetings with Transport for London (and also in our consultation response on Air Quality to Defra in August 2011).
“Our case has always been to leave the regulations surrounding HGVs as they are and put any investment into improving buses. These have big diesel engines which are running (and therefore polluting the atmosphere) most of the time and spend their working life the London area.
“In terms of goods vehicle specification for 2020, we would want to see details of what is proposed. There is much work to be done in analysing the performance of different technologies and until that is completed it will not be possible to have a clear view of their relative merits. Electric, hybrid, gas and dual fuel are options that are currently being looked and hydrogen will be on the scene by then also. But we should not underestimate the excellent; low-pollution performance Euro VI diesel engines for HGVs are expected to deliver.
“As far as goods is concerned, the cleanest, safest and most economical way to make deliveries in London is often in large trucks and we are pleased that this is increasingly recognised by regulators.”
SOURCE: rha.uk.net
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