RHA welcomes MPs’ comments on land transport security

Published: 29 March 2013

RHA welcomes MPs’ comments on land transport security
The Road Haulage Association welcomes the Transport Select Committee’s report on land transport security, which is in tune with the evidence submitted by the Association.
“The report is well-balanced,” said RHA Director of Policy Jack Semple. “We especially welcome two recommendations: that government works with the road haulage and distribution industry to overcome barriers to the provision of truckstops; and that it acknowledges the importance of the work done by TruckPol and works with industry to ensure that the successor system is fit for purpose.
“The RHA is actively working on how the TruckPol issue – that is, the recording and analysis of haulage crime, police response and the dissemination of information and best practice among police forces – can be best taken forward.
“We have also had a very positive response from the Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales on this issue,” Semple said.
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