The Unmarked HGV 'Supercab'

Published: 14 November 2019

The Unmarked HGV 'Supercab'

50 drivers caught in three days by police's unmarked 'spotter' HGV Supercab!

The HGV, which is a tractor cab, is used as a spotter vehicle because the raised position above drivers allows officers to see into vehicles. However, it is only used to assist police officers in the detection of drivers breaking the law. Those deemed to be driving illegally are then stopped and dealt with by other police vehicles.

‘Operation Tramline’ is back in effect, an HGV Road Safety Project. The initiative was designed to help West Mercia Police and Highways England identify and record potentially dangerous commercial vehicle driver behavior. Launched in 2016, 23 police forces had stopped 1,483 vehicles, detected 2,048 offenses and issued 2,094 interventions.

Another success of the project was that very few no seatbelt offenses were detected. This may have been because news of the HGV cab had spread amongst the haulage community, sending a clear message regarding road safety.

After the first day of the reintroduced operation, on Monday the 11th of November, 16 vehicles were stopped on the M5, M42, and M50 for not wearing seatbelts, having no insurance or MOT and other offenses, and on Tuesday a further 15 were caught.

An additional 18 were caught on Wednesday.

A driver was also caught on Wednesday when police caught a motorbike dangerously overtaking on the hard shoulder.

Operation Tramline is aimed at promoting, educating and reinforcing driving laws and road safety messages; while police officers are able to more accurately identify the use of mobile phones, illegal speeding, motorists not wearing seat belts and those driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

Have you spotted a ‘spotter’ or has a ‘spotter’ spotted you?!

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