Truckers threaten to make UK-wide blockades on roads if Brexit is delayed

Published: 18 March 2019

Truckers threaten to make UK-wide blockades on roads if Brexit is delayed
Many of the lorry drivers across the UK are banding together, threatening that if Brexit is delayed by any means following the 29th of March (the day the country is set to leave the EU), they will cause road-blocks in protest to the Government’s management of the process of the UK leaving the European Union.

Brexit Direct Action, an anti-EU organization, reported that they have received thousands of requests from Brexiteers calling for action from lorry drivers to put blockades on some of Britain’s major roads and transport links in protest on the 29th of March and days following, If Brexit plans haven’t been put into action.

Brexit Direct Action tweeted: “Several social media groups have been in contact to ask if we’ll help gather support for a national truck drivers protest if #Brexit is delayed.” They also commented further in an additional tweet: “Brexiteers all over the country are planning to bring this country to its knees by blocking the main arterial routes - M1, M6 M25, M62, A1, A55, M5, M4, M42, M55, M61, A66 etc.

“If you live close to one of these major motorways and are willing to take part then prepare to move at short notice. Don’t worry about the legal side of things, the national organiser is sorting that out.”
Members of the public (including some truck drivers in the area) took to social media to voice their support of the plans and called others who share their views to take action when March 29th rolls around. The hopes of the campaign are that the Government will recognise the public outcry from those who voted to leave the EU and process plans to leave as soon as possible. Even if that means in the case of a no deal Brexit.

Later last week MPs voted on May’s deal, which was refused. Along with the proposal of a no-deal. MPs instead voted 413 to 202 to request delaying article 50, the bill which will process the UK’s departure from the EU. The Government hope that extra time delaying Brexit and further negotiations could lead to a better deal to benefit both parties.

Many businesses in the logistics industry have expressed concerns regarding the Government’s approach throughout Brexit negotiations. Lacking much new information or updates so businesses can easier adapt, Brexit became more problematic as negotiations continued with British firms being seemingly kept in the dark regarding any updates or information that would be beneficial to those businesses in preparation.

This was especially the case for those working on an international scale, with talks of a permit scheme in circulation for months – but much uncertainty as to how the Department for Transport would approach this scheme.

For many hauliers, on either end of the political spectrum, many are simply frustrated with the lack of information meaning whatever the outcome will be on March 29th, there will be little time to complete required preparations.
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