UK Driving Licence could become invalid in the EU after Brexit

Published: 14 September 2018

UK Driving Licence could become invalid in the EU after Brexit
Following Brexit, drivers could be required to apply for international driving permits if they plan to drive in European countries if a no-deal Brexit occurs in March 2019. This would have an impact for traders, tourists as well as British nationals living in in a European country.

“Your driving licence may no longer be valid by itself” the Government said regarding the matter, which would mean permits would be required, as stated in the no-deal planning papers. With the trade deal deadline fast approaching a no-deal Brexit is becoming an increasing possibility.

They have also warned the public to be sure that passports have 6 months left before expiring if travelling to any country within the EU. At the price of £5.50, permits are available at may post offices across the UK.

The National Audit Office has estimated a figure between 100,000 and seven million international driving permits will be distributed within the first year, if a Brexit trade deal has not been met.

Cabinet has met to discuss “no deal” plans, while the current Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab says he hopes to reach a deal with the EU by mid-November at the very latest but is also setting up contingency plans in any case that a deal cannot be met.
Following the meeting, a publication explaining preparations for a no-deal Brexit was published explaining the implications for the UK driving licence. As it currently stands, UK licences remain valid within the EU but if Brexit at all alters this, permits may be required in future (as is the case in Japan, the US and others).

Meanwhile the Irish government would have to decide if international permits would be required from UK drivers following Brexit if a deal could not be met before March.

Various permits are available, with the requirements changing depending on where you are travelling. The current process is available at local post offices and “takes around 5 minutes on a turn-up-and-go basis”

This is set to be provided by over 2,500 post offices by February 2019 in preparation for a no-deal Brexit. The papers released also described how British passport holders will have different regulations depending on the country they are visiting and could need their passport ready 3 months before departure.

As discussed previously by hauliers, this could lead to delays when moving goods and miscommunication on trade if guidelines are not clearly stated and put in place by the Brexit deadline.
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