Find Empty Vehicles in the North East - Durham

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Darlington to Lutterworth, 50 mile radius
Artic Tautliner Trailer - Artic
Regular Vehicles (4 every day)
Durham to Edinburgh, luton
Small Van - ford custom 1 tonne payload
Regular Vehicles (Weekly)
Durham to Nottingham
18 tonne man truck 31 foot box with 2 tonne tail lift
Regular Vehicles (day)
Durham to Liverpool, London
Box - 18 t 30 foot box with large tail lift.
Regular Vehicles (Weekly)
Durham to Rugby, uk
traction unit 44 t
Regular Vehicles (day)
Durham to Liverpool, London
Box - 18 t 30 foot box with large tail lift.
Regular Vehicles (Weekly)
Durham to Edinburgh, luton
Small Van - ford custom 1 tonne payload
Regular Vehicles (Weekly)
Preston-on-Tees to Tilbury, Weekly
Regular Vehicles (Weekly)

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With up to 5,000 new loads per day, saving over 250 million miles per year, the impact for the UK's Carbon footprint alone is huge.