What is Euroloads

We’re happy to announce that you can search for European loads through the Returnloads platform with the use of Euroloads - Below is a guide on how to start using our new Euroloads feature!

Returnloads.net freight exchange
Just Added
  • From: Loughborough To: Chepstow/Cas-Gwent
  • From: Spalding To: Evesham
  • From: Tilbury To: Rainham
  • From: Lichfield To: Preston
  • From: Perth To: Penzance

We’re happy to announce that you can search for European loads through the Returnloads freight exchange platform with the use of Euroloads! This is a service members have demanded, we’re pleased to finally launch this platform free of charge and save not just the country’s fuel costs and emissions, but the world’s!

Many of you who use the website will already know you can search for a load from the “select an option” section, but to find European loads throughout Europe, simply select the option below the regional map that states “Find loads in Europe” and you will be directed to a page dedicated entirely to European work on the site! (You can also find a link to Euroloads on the top menu of the site.)


Select an option

On the next page you will see a list, similar to any other list that appears when searching for freight offers and loads. The difference here is you will see the work all over Europe that is available, rather than work across the UK.

European Loads

Exactly like Returnloads, the freight loads that appear will either be marked as available (green), regular (blue) or sold (red). You can click on the load, view the company profile, give that company a call and state you are interested in that job, at which point you can also discuss the terms of payment for completing the job as normal.

Placing and Managing Euroloads

Placing loads throughout Europe works a little differently, you can find this option directly below “Place a Loads” and “Place a Vehicles” as “Place a Euroload”, this also applies to viewing any loads you have posted onto the Euroloads platform, which can be found from the “My Loads/My Vehicles” tab.

Place Load/Vehicle - Place Euroload

The "Place a Euroload” form is almost identical to the “Place a Load” form, if you’re posting loads on a regular basis, this will be a cakewalk. If you end up on the European loads page, you will be able to tell as the location in Europe will be listed on the page under the “Loading from/delivery to” sections.

Place a Euroload

Make sure when you are selecting a town or city, that it appears in the dropdown menu. You need to click on the location as it appears on the dropdown based on what has been typed in the text box, otherwise, it won’t register when placing the Euroload.

If you have any problems locating the required city or town, please try other local areas to see if these appear - but contact the team to inform us if any required locations aren’t appearing on the dropdown menu to be selected.

If you’ve placed a Euroload and are trying to view it or edit some of the information, this is easily accessed from the 3 buttons available on each load. Just as the case is with regular loads on the site, these can be viewed from your list of posted loads - modified or if necessary removed. Loads can also be re-listed.

My Euroloads

Loads that have been sold to other members should be “Marked as sold” directly to that member. As with searching for the location, you can search for members and they should appear on the dropdown menu. At which point, you should click on the name that has appeared rather than typing their name in manually, as this will not register on the system.

You can select multiple loads and “Mark Checked loads as sold” rather than selecting each load one at a time. Any load sold, even those sold outside of the website, need to be kept up to date to save other member’s time as well as your own.

That’s everything for Euroloads, if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact us! We’re very pleased that members have access to work all over Europe, after all the hard work from the team this year to get Euroloads live!

As always, our mission at Returnloads is to save your costs on fuel with work available not only all over the country, but now on a much wider scale across Europe. With more loads covered internationally we are helping to reduce each and every member’s carbon footprint by reducing dead mileage and filling your empty vehicles to build a better world for the future of haulage and logistics.


Save money and reduce your carbon footprint with Returnloads.Net

With up to 5,000 new loads per day, saving over 250 million miles per year, the impact for the UK's Carbon footprint alone is huge.