EU Threatens UK Over HGV Levy

Published: 26 April 2016

EU Threatens UK Over HGV Levy
Brussells Officials are planning to present the UK before the EU courts for charging foreign HGV drivers a levy up to £10 a day.

The HGV levy was introduced 2 years ago to help 'level the playing field' for UK hauliers and ensure foreign drivers and UK drivers are treated equally, yet, the EU declare that it is unfair towards foreign drivers, penalizing them for trade within the UK.

Officials refuse to publically comment on the court case until after the EU referendum, believing it may have an impact on the results.

The levy impacts UK HGV drivers, no matter their registration country. Foreign drivers are charged with the tax before accessing transport across the UK, the charges range from £85-£100 each year.

The levy is set in a range of bands, varying on the vehicle weight, type and the number of axles. The vehicles must also be 12 tonnes or more. The only difference is that UK hauliers have Vehicle Excise Duty cut to avoid collision with new tax charges. The Department for Transport say the levy ‘Ensures British hauliers can compete with their foreign counterparts.’
It has also been revealed that the Germany’s transport minister was planning to introduce a similar system to UK’s levy scheme, but he was soon contacted by EU Officials, who informed him of their plan to take legal action against the UK, leading him to cancel the plans for a scheme last month.

In a letter dated April 13th April 2016 the German transport minister stated: ‘In the course of the last year, the Commission has notified the UK that it has not provided sufficient proof to allay these concerns.’

He went on to state that it was believed the UK’s system breaches EU law.
A spokesman of the EU responded to the allegations within the letter, which was leaked by a German Magazine.

In a public statement, he announced ‘The commission does not comment on rumours in the press.’ Once again demonstrating the EU refuse to publically comment on this topic until after the referendum takes place, aware of the implications it may have among UK voters.
David Campbell Bannerman (Tory MEP) had his own opinion on the matter. He said: ‘This is further evidence of a devious plan to hide and bury controversial legislation and EU actions in order to fool the British people into voting Remain. The result will be our people will become extremely angry as they realise they have been totally shafted by our so called friends. This is deeply dangerous.’
He went on to state that it is time the EU and foreign drivers ‘Paid their way’ also discussing the ‘loss of control’ the EU has given Britain as a whole.
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