launch live vehicle tracking

Published: 01 December 2015 launch live vehicle tracking adds live vehicle tracking to their freight exchange as a completely free benefit for their members.
The new vehicle tracking feature aims to help members further optimize their fleet performance and increase their profits. This new feature enables members to track their fleet vehicles and see them on the same map as the 90,000 live loads which are on offer each month.
By taking advantage of this all members can see the whereabouts of their entire fleet at no additional cost.
Richard Newbold, founder of, said: ‘’we recognise the added value that integrating live vehicle tracking with our freight exchange can bring for our members. All of members will have the ability to see their vehicles wherever they are.’’
‘’Our freight exchange has a proven track record of increasing the efficiency of our members fleet vehicles and with live vehicle tracking we can help boost efficiency even more. The added visibility will make it easier for our members to utilize available vehicle capacity and make the best choice from the available loads.’’
‘’It’s a no hassle vehicle tracking solution, no need to buy a GPS unit, just have your drivers install our app and you’re ready to track. As privacy is important we have made it easy for drivers to switch their tracking off at the end of their shift.’’
Richard added that have ‘’lots of new features in the pipeline’’ which will add value for their members. They are also in discussions with a number of third party technology providers where opportunities exist to help streamline the operation and improve business performance.

For more information on our FREE vehicle tracking click the banner below.
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Just Added
  • From: Loughborough To: Chepstow/Cas-Gwent
  • From: Spalding To: Evesham
  • From: Tilbury To: Rainham
  • From: Lichfield To: Preston
  • From: Perth To: Penzance

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